What is your expertise, and what is your proof of that expertiseC lebron basketball shoes. What wisdom do you bring to the table from your life experiences, your own personal growth, your spiritual development2.
Ask yourself "are these what I am known for"A lebron shoes for sale. Would current or former clients agree that you are known for theseB.
Does your website's copy (or copy in brochures) reflect theseWhen I asked my client what she is known for, we came up with these attributes:* Building successful businesses Looking at a client's ground, the place from which they operate and make decisions Air Jordan Retro Basketball Shoes.* Challenging clients to change where they are stuck and hurting their business or personal success.
* Being supportive and offering encouragement.* Seeing the possible, often before clients see it.* Taking people from a job to their own work.* Wisdom* Intuitiveness* Instilling confidence in others.* Fearless stepping out.* Solid experience and training in guiding and mentoring others.* Creative and low-cost marketing strategies.Some of her copy reflects these, for sure. But we needed to sharpen her "who and do what" statement and add in things she had not even realized she offers.There's a third part to this exercise, which is to ask current and former clients what they think you are known for.
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